Hi, my name is Philip. I would like to thank you for visiting my website, which is a living work in progress - growing, developing and expanding all the time. Below are some of the most common questions that many new visitors typically ask. Have fun, and feel free to browse through this website that was so rewarding and enjoyable for me to make. I hope it can positively help to support and serve you in some way! 


Why did you create this website?  

At first, I just wanted to better organize all of my thoughts, discoveries and life lessons into a simpler, more convenient format for myself. I thought about starting a personal journal, but then asked myself, "Who will this really help, besides me?" That is when the idea of creating a blog that could potentially touch the lives of millions came to me. I was so happy to have at last found my passion; and after that day, I have not been able to stop.

These writings were inspired from a critical questioning and subsequent deeper understanding of myself and the world. I had a profound awakening and new awareness of sorts in what seemed like a blink of an eye. In the past, even though I had the noblest of intentions and honestly tried to live and act as best as I could, I was still oftentimes disappointed and let down by what I was continuously seeing and experiencing in the world. Some days, it was truly depressing. At one point, I almost wanted to throw out my T.V. and never look at a newspaper again. "What is happening to the world?  What happened to the good ol' days?" I had reached a bottom, and had lost that deeper sense of hope and love for the world, and even more disturbingly, for myself. At that point, I was ready to do anything. I knew that I couldn't survive for much longer in the place where I was; so I decided to start doing something that I had joked about, laughed at, and saw as totally pointless in the past - introspection and self-development.  

I began on a new path by reading, watching and listening to literally hundreds of writings and ideas on success, personal achievement, spirituality, and positive psychology. The bookstore, and even more importantly, the internet, became my new master teachers and best friends. I began to flood my mind with everything I could buy or get access to, and then, in what seemed like an instant, it all came together and started to made sense.

picture About nail

I  realized that instead of focusing upon the problems and shortcomings of the world and other people, I should  focus and worry more about "fixing" my own problems, life perspectives and negative moods. The world wasn't the problem, I was!  

After realizing this, I went on an extreme mental detox, disassembling and deprograming everything not beneficial to myself that I had learned and picked up from the past, and then methodically rebuilding myself through the creating and reenforcing of new habits, beliefs and actions; and then - boom - my entire life and world started to change. At that point, the world stopped creating me, and I started to create my own world. Happiness and self-empowerment had returned. I took back a wonderful thing that was always mine, but for some reason I had temporarily forgotten.

Our world is literally a reflection of ourselves. Once we can discover and truly love and appreciate who we really are, we will then have an even greater power and ability to love, accept and contribute more to the world. Life is like a boomerang. Whatever we throw into it will come back in even greater, more magnified ways. This is the real secret for love, happiness and success. The answer was always near, but I was looking so far away. 


The Answer to Everything is Within You! 


picture About butterflyLife is a grand journey of living, growing and discovering who you really are, and then sharing that love with the world. That is the message that I would like to explore and expand upon through this website. The miracle of the internet and all the wonderful information that it gave, helped me to rise, come back, and rediscover who I really was. Creating my own website for the healing, growth and enjoyment of others, in turn, is perhaps just a simple way for me to say thank you to everybody and everything that has helped me along the way.


What can I get from this website?

There are many articles on this website for you to read or listen to, where I try to address topics and questions that many people might have on their own personal growth, development, and success. I will also try to give you many of my own personal ideas, habits, and strategies that I have found to be effective in my pursuit of also wanting to improve upon myself. I hope my blogs can serve as friendly blueprints for success that can help out other people in some way.


Will you be adding more content to this site in the future?

Yes, I will continue to create many more blogs and videos for this website, as well as write some more books and special home courses in the future. I enjoy creating all of these things and feel quite motivated in realizing just how beneficial these concepts and ideas are in helping other people to progress and succeed.

I will try to follow the lead and direction that this site's visitors and members suggest and show an interest in. I am excited to help others, because I am also aware of how helping others can also help me. I strongly believe in the idea that whatever it is that you want to have in life, you must first be willing to give. I love win/win situations, and that is what I want to create here.  


How can I actively participate on this website?

picture About handYou can help me to improve upon this site even more through your comments, ideas and suggestions. This is one of the most exciting aspects of the global reach of the internet and the power that it has to help us all on our way to becoming something more. 


How is this site different from other "Motivational" websites?

I think that most motivational speakers and systems all have something good to say, but many tend to focus primarily on one thing or have one methodology. Some may use  power, excitement and persuasion to cheer somebody up for a time. Others might promise happiness and great riches through meditation and mysterious ways. There are many who stress the importance of physical health and good nutrition. There is some valuable truth in all of these methods. What I have tried to bring and build into my life and this website is the sense of BALANCE among a lot of different concepts, theories and beliefs. I try not to judge things, but simply take what feels right for me, and peacefully leave the rest behind. Life is like a fantastic salad bar for me. I don't believe that there are "right" or "wrong" ideas or systems, but I do believe that there are efficient and inefficient ones.

This website's title, "Inner Voice - Perfect Choice" says it all for me. Listen to your own heart, trust your own feelings, and then follow your own dreams by taking real, deliberate action. Everything starts and comes from within. That inner voice will really lead you to making the perfect choice.


How can I become happy or rich?

picture About waterfallYou have to believe in its truth now, give away what  you want, become what you want, and then that thing will quickly and easily be drawn back to you. For example, if you want to become "rich", you have to believe in the truth of yourself as already being rich on many different levels; provide a product, service, or idea that will help other people to become rich in some way, and then that wealth will circulate and come back to you. Additionally, you have to become "rich" in your own self-concept and outlook on life, which will open up more opportunities for other "rich" people and things to be drawn to you just as easily as a familiar friend is drawn to you simply because they like you for who you really are.  

If you want more happiness, you should seek to follow a similar themed path of giving away whatever you want. Fill yourself with happiness, and then let that happiness overflow through your words and actions towards others. In time, whatever you are, and give to the world, will come back in greater ways to you. Even if some people can't immediately return your happiness, you can still be happy in knowing that you at least tried. And, more importantly, you will have created a little something greater in yourself through your kind attempt of simply giving.  Don't overly concern yourself with the imperfections of others. The only person we are responsible for improving is ultimately ourself.


In all fairness, however, if you honestly give much of yourself, but repeatedly get little or nothing offered back in return, whether it be at a job, in a relationship, or in any other situation in life, sometimes the best solution is to simply look forward, learn the lesson, and move on. It is sometimes difficult for others to fully give, receive or return happiness in life until they can more comfortably give more love and happiness to themselves.   

Very happy, successful people tend to focus more on giving something of value to others and positively improving themselves rather than on simply taking, using, or getting whatever they can out of life. Giving creates a way for receiving; and believing creates a way for becoming and achieving anything that you want. This is how to become happier and richer in all areas of life, in the deepest sense of the word.


Why should I believe in any of these ideas?

You shouldn't! ... at least not until after you have carefully thought them over for yourself. The most important person to follow and believe for your own happiness and success is you! One of the biggest keys to my own transformation was to stop blindly accepting what other people and society had to say about me, and what I could do, or not do in life. Become aware of who you really are, love who you are, and really start to think more deeply about life. I firmly believe in everything that I might write or say on this website, but it is ultimately up to you to make the final choice. It is that inner voice that will enable you to make the perfect choice.





Thank You and Welcome to my Website!